Karate for teenagers
The benefits of karate for people of all ages are well documented. Beyond just good fitness it gives you valuable self-defence skills, challenges the mind and gives a great sense of life balance. This article includes five clear reasons why Karate may be a great activity to get involved in.
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When to Begin Your Child's Karate Journey in New Zealand
Karate remains a beneficial pursuit. It helps them stay physically fit, mentally sharp, and provides a platform to continually enhance their martial arts skills.
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Accordion For Kids
Try something different with this unique musical instrument!<br><br>It is often heard in Eastern European folk music.<br> Give your child a cultural as well as a musical experience with the accordion!
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Guitar for Kids
Your kids will love playing their favourite songs on the guitar! The guitar is quite simple to learn and easy to carry to school or on holidays. Your kids will be able to play anywhere, anytime.
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Chess For Kids
Let your child test their tactical thinking with chess - the ultimate game of strategy!<br><br>Many studies have discovered that playing chess at an early age does increase a child’s mental fortitude, and overall health.
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Netball for Kids
The perfect safe sport for your kids, especially if you have a daughter! Your kids will have a lot of fun playing this derivative of basketball, which focuses more on technique than physical condition.
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Calisthenics For Kids
If your kids love gymnastics and dancing, try calisthenics!<br><br>A great kids activity designed to improve kids fitness and agility!
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Violins for Kids
Do your kids have an interest in music? They might enjoy learning the violin. A violin, sometimes referred to as a fiddle, is a wooden instrument which is played by moving a bow across four strings. The violin is believed to originate in Europe in the 19th century and has since become popular worldwide. It is the smallest of the string instruments and has a higher pitched sound than other instruments in its family, including the cello and the viola.
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Pony Riding for Kids
Jump in the saddle for a fun family activity!<br>Small children can enjoy a simple pony ride at a fete or show while older kids can hit the trails or compete in pony games and enjoy the great outdoors!
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Karate Classes & Lessons for Kids
Explore the reasons why kids love Karate Classes & Lessons in New Zealand.
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How to avoid kids' birthday party pressure
With the rising popularity of Pinterest, today’s parents are under more pressure to create the ‘perfect’ party for their child’s birthday than previous generations of mums and dads. Sure, our parents had books of party ideas and our Grandmothers the Ladies Home Journal, but advice on how to throw a memorable child’s party has truly reached new heights with the advent of Pinterest, Google image search and niche parenting blogs.
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Bouzouki for kids
Get your kids started on playing the bouzouki! Even though it is one of the more underrated activities for kids, the bouzouki offers a unique sound-along with a wide-range of songs to learn and play. Bouzouki lessons let children develop a profound sense of virtuosity due to the thorough and focused approach of playing traditional songs.
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Elevate Your Child's Soccer Game with 10 Essential Drills
Set up a "defensive wall" using cones or other players, requiring your child to practice shooting under pressure. This drill simulates real game scenarios.
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The quest to find that perfect first sport for your young champs.
As they navigate the water, their self-assurance skyrockets, and they conquer any fears head-on. Plus, knowing how to swim is a safety skill that's priceless and can make a world of difference.
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School Holiday Programs for Kids
Are you looking for a way to entertain your kids during the school holidays?
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Mini Golf Etiquette for Kids: Teaching Good Sportsmanship
Celebrate their effort and remind them that every player has good and bad days. This attitude of resilience will serve them well beyond the mini golf course!
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Cycling for Kids
Get your kids into the cycling world, a very versatile sport! <br><br>In New Zealand there are many ways kids can get involved in cycling both competitively and for leisure.
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