Calisthenics For Kids
If your kids love gymnastics and dancing, try calisthenics!<br><br>A great kids activity designed to improve kids fitness and agility!
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Beach Sports for Kids
A great way to enjoy the weekend with your family! Most beach sports are accessible to kids of all ages. Learn what you need to know about the kinds of sports you can play on the beach with your kids.
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Hosting an Unforgettable Themed Birthday Party- Ideas for a Mesmerizing Celebration
The first step in crafting an enchanting world for your child's birthday is selecting the ideal theme. Consider your child's interests and passions, and involve them in the decision-making process.
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Clarinet For Kids
If your child is keen to learn a musical instrument, try the clarinet!<br><br>A standard fixture in school bands across the country, the clarinet is easy and fun to play and a great way to start your kids on a musical instrument!
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Theme Parks for Kids
Theme parks are a great weekend activity for the whole family to enjoy. With adventure, movie, and water themes, you're sure to find a park that everyone will love!
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Animal Zoos for Kids
For fun, adventure and a chance to learn on the natural world, why not take your kids to an animal zoo? An animal zoo is a collection of animals from all over the world, often including rare or endangered species, gathered in one place for people to observe. Zoos have been around since biblical times and the first zoological garden to open in New Zealand was the Wellington Zoo which opened in 1906
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Conducting for kids
We've all seen refined gentlemen acting as conductors of grand orchestras. But did you know kids lessons are available in music conducting? Learning to conduct is a great exercise for kids which educates them about a range of things about music. It can also improve their brain function and social skills in ways that will benefits lots of other areas of their lives.
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Mini Golf for Kids
Mini Golf is a great family activity. Play safely with kids of any age, outdoor or in the dark, and enjoy a wonderful moment together.
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Bassoon for kids
Get your kids to groove with the low buzzing tune of the bassoon! The bassoon is one of the woodwind instruments belonging to the double reed family. In New Zealand, the New Zealand Double Reed Society offers a platform for amateur and/or professional bassoon players to learn more and share their talents. For kids who’d love to play the bass voice, the bassoon is the perfect instrument!
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Horse Riding for Kids
Horse riding is a great activity that gives your child contact with animals and nature , and helps develop maturity and responsibility.
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How to Encourage Your Child To Practice Their Musical Instrument
There is only one thing more magical than watching an expert musician who is lost in their own craft; that is, being that musician. Become one with an instrument produces a sense of flow, enjoyment, confidence and pure bliss. A musician can lose themselves to something greater than them alone. Which is why you are doing your child a massive favour if you know how to make practice both fun and rewarding. Here’s how to best get your child to practice, without the tears.
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Sailing for Kids
Take your kids sailing for an open water adventure!<br>Get your kids outdoors and on to the water for an unforgettable and fun experience!
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Scouts for Kids
Are you in search of a kids' activity that will promote your child's mental, social, and physical development? How about the Scouts? The first Boy Scouts organisation was founded in England as a way to teach boys survival skills, hard work, and comradeship. The first New Zealand Boy Scout camp was started in 1908, and Scouts New Zealand is now a national movement and community institution, which provides a wide range of camps and activities for children of all ages.
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Introduction to Soccer Classes for Pre-schoolers
Sessions are far from the intense, competitive adult soccer matches, focusing instead on creating a positive and enjoyable experience for your child.
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Basketball for Kids
Whether its competitive or just for fun, basketball is a great sport to enjoy with friends and family.
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Trumpet For Kids
Looking for a loud, gutsy instrument that allows your child to make their mark in the school band?<br><br>By blowing through the mouthpiece and pressing different valves, your child can enjoy making music in a number of different styles!
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Rugby League for Kids
A great team sport for kids who want to get physical! Rugby League provides many benefits, including the development of coordination, communicatio,n and strategy.
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