Seven Reasons to Learn Taekwondo
Taekwondo is more than just a sport, it’s a discipline for success in life. The relationship between student and a master at Wylie Taekwondo is a sacred one, with benefits reach-ing far beyond the four walls of the dojo. Most students will report it can infiltrate every area of your life. Here we have listed 7 key life benefits of choosing practice taekwondo.
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Rugby Union for Kids
The sport of kings! Your kids will love this team and contact sport. The development of strategic skills, physical strength, and team spirit are just a few of the benefits rugby union can provide to your kids!
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Golf for Kids
Believe it or not, golf can be played by adults and children of all ages! It is a sport suited both to boys and girls, and lessons can start from any age. If your kids are old enough to pick up a club, they can learn to take a swing!
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Introduction to Soccer Classes for Pre-schoolers
Sessions are far from the intense, competitive adult soccer matches, focusing instead on creating a positive and enjoyable experience for your child.
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Car model making for kids
All kids have probably played with a toy car or truck at some stage. Why not take it to the next level and encourage them to build their own? Let your kids take pride in something they’ve made from scratch with car model making!
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Indoor Play Park for Kids
Are your young kids exploding with energy? Do you need a place to help them burn it off? An indoor play park is a quick, affordable way for your children to play around without destroying the house or garden!
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A Parent's Guide to Choosing the Perfect Karate Dojo for Your Child in New Zealand
Communication is the secret sauce. How does the dojo keep you posted about your child's feats? Are they all about teamwork? A dojo that ropes in parents and keeps them in the loop is a dojo that's got its heart in the right place.
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Tennis for Kids
Get your kids to take part in this popular competitive sport! Kids can start learning from a young age, and will enjoy watching their skill improve. Doubles or singles, with family or with friends, your children will love sharing their progress.
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Fencing for kids
En Garde and let your kids try out a fun and skill-stimulating game of fencing! Both classical and modern fencing is known to be a good sport that can develop your reflex and speed and will definitely be a fun, yet challenging kid's activity that your young ones will enjoy!
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Planning Your Kid's Epic Superhero-Themed Birthday Party
Start by picking a superhero theme that resonates with your child's Kiwi spirit. While the classics like Spider-Man and Wonder Woman are still popular, consider introducing some homegrown heroes like Captain New Zealand or Maori Warriors into the mix. This unique twist adds a local touch to the celebration.
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Touch Rugby for your Kids
A low risk way to play rugby for boys and girls!<br>Touch rugby, also known as touch football is a form of rugby that has been around since the 1950s.
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Skateboarding for Kids
Hit the skate park and have fun ! Skateboarding is one of the coolest kids' activities!<br>As well as a social experience, skateboarding can be a great way to keep fit!
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Soccer for Kids
A great team and tactical sport! Soccer, or European football, is a great way for your kids to have fun with friends or family in a park, or professionally in a club. Whether playing competitively or just for fun, your kids will love this game.
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10 Uniquely Exciting Kids Party Venues : A Guide for Parents and Caregivers
As parents and caregivers in New Zealand, you have an array of choices to tailor the perfect party that aligns with your child's preferences. Whether your little one dreams of exploring the depths of the ocean, unleashing their inner artist, or embarking on sports adventures, these venues provide a canvas for unforgettable celebrations.
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Taekwondo for Kids
For a martial art that can build kids' confidence and self esteem why not try taekwondo?<br>It has evolved into a form of self defence and even an Olympic level game!
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Parties and Party Activities for Kids
Do you want to celebrate your child's birthday in style? </p> <p>
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Dancing for Kids
Get your kids to start learning dance, and let them find the type they really like. There are many types of dances, from classical, to academic, to contemporary and many more, but they will all help your kids to learn discipline and elegance.
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