- 13a Beachhaven Rd, Birkdale (0626), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Herald Island (0618)
- Business can travel to you
Water Sport Activities for Kids - Herald Island (0618)
Best match results for water sport activities for kids in Herald Island (0618) + 5km.
Allan's Swim And Life Saving School is a private swim school. We teach a wide range of swimming skills. Read more
2 Free trials for new members!
Come give synchro a try with 2 free sessions for new members! Go to our website to register your interest!
Other related businesses in and around Herald Island (0618) (within 20km)
- 26 Beresford Street, Bayswater (0622), Auckland Region
- 20-30 km from Herald Island (0618)
Professional paragliding and kitesurfing lessons by the NZ champions. WorkSafe certified. We offer lessons at all levels and import, sell and service equipment. Read more
- 714 Great South Road, One Tree Hill (1061), Auckland Region
- 30-40 km from Herald Island (0618)
Fantastic swimming lessons for all ages and levels. Hilton Brown Swimming has been successfully teaching New Zealanders how to swim since 1973. Today we’re teaching the children of the children we taught back then. Our focus is equally on fun and technique. Read more
At Amphibians we aim to provide the quality of lessons that parents look for . With our guaranteed small class sizes and competitive rates we are constantly striving to improve our service and be amongst the best there is in Auckland. We have two indoor heated pools and an amazing and growing team of instructors. We cater for Parent/Toddlers, Pre School, General Swim School, Development/Mini Squads, Adult Sessions, School Groups, Aqua Fit and Splash Parties too So if you are looking for small group... Read more
Do you want Learn to Swim lessons? If so then come in and check us out Classes 7 days per week 3rd Family member FREE* *conditions apply Lesson for ALL ages 3months - Adults Have a pool we can come to you* conditions apply Read more
- E 10 Marina 101 Curran st, Herne Bay (1022), Auckland Region
- 20-30 km from Herald Island (0618)
Learn to sail : A complete practical learn to sail course for Adults. Aboard 50 foot Endless Summer a perfect yacht to learn aboard. Open in the Summer from November until March each season. Sailing is fun when you have to confidence to understand the terms and how to sail a yacht in Auckland. The Waitemata Harbour is the perfect place to learn and sail a yacht. Read more
Stanmore Bay Pool and Leisure Centre is located on the beautiful Hibiscus Coast and is an all-purpose facility with group fitness and aqua fitness classes, stadiums - recreation leagues, birthday parties and for hire, newly renovated fitness gym, 25m indoor pool for lane swimming and learn to swim lessons, 8m learn to swim (for under 8's) pool, spa and sauna. Free swimming for 16yrs and under. Kauri Kids Early Childhood Education Centre to open early February 2017. Read more
AUT Millennium is New Zealand's home of high performance sport. A world-class centre helping our community to be healthy and our top athletes to be champions. Read more
- Please call us for enquiries, Auckland Central (1010), Auckland Region
- 20-30 km from Herald Island (0618)
North Harbour Water Polo Club is one of the largest clubs in New Zealand and their home pools are based at the NZ High Performance Centre - AUT Millennium and National Aquatic Centre in Mairangi Bay, Auckland. As well as NZ representatives the club are very keen on increasing participation amongst the younger generation ensuring children of all ages get opportunities to become involved in an aquatic sport. Our club have players aged from 8 years through to Social Water Polo for adults. Our age groups... Read more
Inviting all 5 to 14 year olds to join Bethells Beach Junior Surf to build confidence in the water and learn essential surf safety skills. Bethells Beach Junior Surf is focused on learning in a fun and interactive way with a family orientation. Our programme encompasses: - Water safety and skills development - Beach and board training and races - The excitement of Surf competition, carnivals and camps - First aid training - Swim fitness each Monday at Kelston Girls High School pool - Surf Lifesaving... Read more
Patrolling Mairangi Bay beach and expanded services to Long Bay, Browns Bay, Milford and Takapuna - we are committed to serving the local community. Mairangi Bay SLSC is consistently one of the Top Competitive Clubs in New Zealand Surf Life Saving. Mairangi Bay's Junior Surf Life Saving (Nipper) program, is also one of the most successful in the country and Junior Club days are held on Sunday mornings for most of the Surf Season. The emphasis for the Junior Club is 'serious fun' while gaining... Read more
- 101 Curran Street, Herne Bay (1011), Auckland Region
- 20-30 km from Herald Island (0618)
New Zealand's largest and most prestigious Yacht Club. RNZYS run the Lion Foundation Youth Training Programme - "The best youth training programme in the world" - Grant Dalton. Read more
We have branded ourselves as Rapu which in Maori means ‘to seek’ and, we feel, captures the quest to find that perfect New Zealand adventure. During summer, we offer both day and multi-day Surf Tours. During winter, whether you are a skier, snowboarder or an outdoor adventurer we have snow tour options for you. Read more
- 16-18 Griffen Park Road, Lynfield (1042), Auckland Region
- 20-30 km from Herald Island (0618)
Adventure Plus! Scouting is all about challenging and developing youth. Western Bays Sea Scouts welcomes girls and boys aged 6 to 18, and is part of the world-wide Scouting movement. All ages go camping, tramping and learn lots of practical skills while also having fun. Scouts and Venturers (ages 10+) learn to sail, and attend local, regional and national regattas and adventure camps. Setting and achieving goals is encouraged for all youth members through the award scheme. Teamwork and leadership... Read more
- 80 Tamaki Drive, Kohimarama (1071), Auckland Region
- 30-40 km from Herald Island (0618)
Kohimarama Yacht Club is devoted to fostering youth sailing in Auckland. We have been in existence for over 75th years. As the largest youth sailing club in the country, we take pride in our history. Although Kohi Yacht club has assisted many of NZ's top sailors start off in the sport, we also aim to teach sailing as a recreation for life. We offer a popular “Learn to Sail” program to children from the age of 9 years. Read more
The Milford Cruising Club welcomes families interested in boating and sailing in general. We run an active junior sailing program throughout the summer months and school holiday programs throughout the year. Our sessions have an emphasis on water education. For adults and advanced junior sailors we offer the opportunity to sail on our larger boats located in the Milford Marina. We have a range of Fevas and 420s for those sailors that have advanced past the Optimist stage. These yachts offer exciting... Read more
Piha Surf School will teach to surf better, faster, safer. Lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. Gift vouchers available. Read more
We are officially two springboard diving clubs (North Harbour and Waitakere) under the one umbrella of Auckland Diving Community Trust based at both Glenfield pool on the North Shore and West Wave Aquatic and Leisure Centre in Henderson. We cater for ages 5 to adult, offering all levels of coaching from Fun Dive classes through to Competitive training and Masters classes for adults. Diving is a sport that offers agility, strength, co-ordination and above all fun! Come and try us out. We think you... Read more
Waitakere City Water Polo Club, was founded in 1984 and is based at the recently renovated, West Wave, Waitakere Aquatic centre, Henderson. We are a friendly, growing club; the local club for west and central Auckland. We have teams in all ages, from Flippa ball and Intermediate, through to Seniors. The club encourages our teams to participate in local and National Tournaments- we encourage competition and enjoyment of the sport. Read more
Free trial
Give synchro a go and come to our free trial! No need to know how to swim, we can teach you all the skills. (Swimming, water treading, synchro figures etc).
- 100 Jack Butt Lane, Waimauku (0812), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Herald Island (0618)
For over sixty years Muriwai lifeguards have patrolled this isolated paradise, preventing injury and loss of life on one of Auckland's most popular beaches. The Junior Surf program or 'Nippers' is where it all begins for many Muriwai Lifeguards with many of the members involved since childhood. Nippers take to the beach each Sunday morning to develop their surf skills as they work towards becoming lifeguards. Read more