BMX Racing Associations for Kids - the Waikato Region

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    Waikato Region BMX supports 6 BMX clubs - to provide community facilities & programmes to all ages eg bike skills, family fun sport, race events, Looking for a fun family sport? come join BMX. Come along to any clubs open days, club & training nights to get started! Check the choosen clubs fb page for all updates. All riders must be fully covered eg long pants, long sleeve top, covered shoes Many clubs do offer bike & helmet hire - although most kids start off with their own bike ( no stands,... Read more

    Welcome to Paeroa L&P BMX Club - we are passionate about getting everyone on bikes, learning bike skills & BMX racing!! For all ages & skills on balance & pedal bikes, riders must be fully covered. Club runs weekly Tuesday Club Registration Nights from 5.30pm in our season Sept-May, starting back 27th September 2022 (weather permitting) Offer the first 3 club nights FREE to get you started & then look at joining our club, BMX is a fun family sport. If you have any queries please email us. Follow... Read more

    Welcome to Hamilton BMX Club, we welcome everyone to come & join us at our club nights & training (training pedal bikes only) to learn & enjoy BMX with many of our families & riders, on pedal & balance bikes. Hamilton BMX Club nights: Wednesday's (weather permitting) check in from 5.15pm, fun racing starts at 6.00pm Cost New Riders first 3 club nights free, then next 7 club nights cost $3 per night per rider within this time or by the 10th club night expected to join the club or become a... Read more

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