Touch Football Grounds for Kids - the Waikato Region
Best match results for touch football grounds for kids in the Waikato Region.
We run the local Junior Touch on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. If you are interested in playing this season please ask at the school you attend. Read more
Other related businesses in and around the Waikato Region
- Flagstaff Park, Commodore Ave, Flagstaff (3210), Waikato Region
- Business can travel to you
Hamilton Eastern Suburbs Club was established in 1951 in the Eastern Suburb of Hamilton called Enderly, Where the first Eastern Suburbs Clubrooms were built in Mardon Road. The Clubrooms moved to Commodore Ave in the heart of Flagstaff in 1999 with a lot of hard work for all at Eastern Suburbs to get to the position it has in 2015, in 2013 the name was changed to Suburbs Community Sports Club to incorporate the community in which the clubrooms are situated. In 2015 we had over 470 registered... Read more