Little Athletics Associations for Kids - the Canterbury Region
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The Burnside RFC was established in 1957 and offers rugby to players of all ages and levels, from U6 ripper rugby to Golden Oldies. We also run the Touch on the Park social touch rugby module each year from October through to March. Read more
- 9 Hillier Place Ashburton, Ashburton (7700), Canterbury Region
- Business can travel to you
Ashburton Athletic Club has 2 parts. Track and Field, children 7 - 15 years old. This is Wednesday nights 5.30 - 7pm around 12th October to 20th March each year with a break for Christmas holidays from about 18th December and starting again around 28th January. This takes place in the Ashburton Domain oval The winter side (Road and Crosscountry) start in March and goes thru to Mid October each year. No age limit - very youg to very old !! - Lots of jogs and a large walking group. Every Saturday... Read more