Casting Agencies for Kids - the Wellington Region

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    Other businesses in and around the Wellington Region

    The Story Behind Our Name.We wanted a name that made the children feel like it was their place their sanctuary their 2nd home - KIDS DOMAIN KIDS DOMAIN has been operating as an OSCAR Approved Level 3 accredited out of school care and recreation provider since 2002. We have 2 locations Stokes Valley and Lower Hutt. Both centres provide before school care, after school care and school holiday programmes Our staff are police vetted, have experience with managing children with special needs;... Read more

    PORIRUA INDOOR SPORTS - NETBALL AND FOOTBALL LEAGUES FOR ADULTS & KIDS Porirua Indoor Sports runs 6-a-side netball leagues for adults on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday nights. It's $48 per team per week for every night except Friday. It's $42 on a Friday night. You can have 8 players in your team (includes 2 subs), or just turn up with 6 players. Three males maximum on court at a time as long as they are in a different position, i.e. link or centre, attack and defence, i.e. you can't... Read more

    Come and try a FREE introductory class at GKR Karate Otaki and see why GKR Karate is New Zealand's largest martial arts club! GKR Karate promotes Karate for everyone, including children from 5 yrs old through to men, women and families of all ages. Apart from the obvious development of self-defence skills, Karate training builds confidence, positive attitude, determination, focus, and of course fitness. Our karate classes at Otaki, Wellington, are taught by passionate instructors who are committed... Read more

    Come and try a FREE introductory class at GKR Karate Paraparaumu and see why GKR Karate is New Zealand's largest martial arts club! GKR Karate promotes Karate for everyone, including children, men, women and families of all ages. Apart from the obvious development of self-defence skills, Karate training builds confidence, positive attitude, determination, focus, and of course fitness. Our karate classes at Paraparaumu, Wellington are taught by passionate instructors who are committed to teaching... Read more

    Come and try a FREE introductory class at GKR Karate Waterloo and see why GKR Karate is New Zealand's largest martial arts club! GKR Karate promotes Karate for everyone, including children from 5 yrs old through to men, women and families of all ages. Apart from the obvious development of self-defence skills, Karate training builds confidence, positive attitude, determination, focus, and of course fitness. Our karate classes in Waterloo, Wellington, are taught by passionate instructors who... Read more

    Sports Aquatic Centres

    H2O Xtream is currently closed for a major upgrade, we hope to reopen in December 2024. visit H²O Xtream today for a fun filled, action packed, aquatic day out. Grab an Xtream slides pass for unlimited rides on 3 exciting Hydroslides. Got a need for speed? Launch yourself down the 8 metre vertical drop of the Xtream Speed slide...take on the twists and turns of the MasterBlaster or face the ultimate challenge of our premier hydroslide 'Darkness Falls'. It's a massive 66 metres of pitch black... Read more

    Wadestown Crèche is a high quality, family-focussed Early Childhood Education centre offering part-time sessions for pre-school children aged 12 months - 4 years. Our team of experienced fully qualified teachers supports each child’s development and learning through play, rich and varied experiences and stable routines. We're in the heart of Wadestown, on CBD fringe and serving families from Karori to Khandallah and beyond. Your choice of sessions: Short (for all children): 8.20am – 12.30pm... Read more

    Music lessons for piano and singing. Early Childhood music classes, including babies, pre-school and music experience. Group work available too! Read more

    Wellington City Libraries provides a wide range of services for children of all ages, including baby music sessions, preschool storytimes, online bookclubs and holiday activities. We support children's development and learning by providing print and digital collections, and expert librarians to help children find reading materials and expertly navigate the information environment. Head into your local library to hang out, use the wifi, play with Lego, read a book, do your homework, or attend a programme... Read more

    Online suppliers of a wide range of supplies for your crafting projects from candlemaking to jewellery findings, ribbons to needlework - we also carry Americolor Gels for cake decorating along with specialist tools for cakes and modelling. We can custom print designs for tapestry and stamped needlework so please call for details on this service. You're welcome to visit by appointment however, not being a retail shop, please ring first to ensure that the item you're after is physically on hand. Read more

    SPACE NZ Trust works in collaboration with community organisations across New Zealand to offer the Supporting Parents Alongside Childrens Education (SPACE) programme. SPACE is a programme mainly for first time parents and their babies. Sessions run weekly for 3 – 4 terms extending through the first year of your child’s life. SPACE offers parents the opportunity to meet and get to know other new parents; discussions on relevant child development and parenting topics; play sessions with equipment... Read more

    Wellington Basketball is the primary provider of basketball leagues (adult, youth and child), basketball training, coach and referee training and holiday programmes in Wellington. With our affiliation with Basketball New Zealand (BBNZ), we have representative teams in regional and national tournaments - Under 13 to Under 23, girls and boys. We are based at the ASB Sports Centre in Kilbirnie which is regarded by many as one of the best facilities for basketball in New Zealand. If you or your child... Read more

    Welcome to The Little Dribblers Football Club. The fastest growing New Zealand Football Club for kids aged from 1-7 years old. In our website you can find out information on how we introduce our young football players to the game, check out our venues and also Register and Join a team. Check out our website and Click SEE IT for a short video or JOIN IT for more detail on each venue. Check us out on FACE BOOK We are a New Zealand Football Franchise Company providing kiwi football opportunities... Read more

    The Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award is a programme for 14 - 25 year olds that is open to all young people in NZ regardless of your background or ability. Read more

    Come and try a FREE introductory class at GKR Karate Whitby and see why GKR Karate is New Zealand's largest martial arts club! GKR Karate promotes Karate for everyone, including children from 5 yrs old through to men, women and families of all ages. Apart from the obvious development of self-defence skills, Karate training builds confidence, positive attitude, determination, focus, and of course fitness. Our karate classes at Whitby, Wellington, are taught by passionate instructors who are... Read more

    Traditional 4th generation master offering classes in Tai chi, Shaolin Kung fu/ Chinese Wu Shu. Also offering ACC registered Acupuncture and Dao Philosophy. For better body, mind and spirit. Read more

    Where imagination begins'. Drama workshops and classes for little people. Birth to BIG kids. Incorporating the strands and principles of Te Whariki. Communication Exploration Empowerment Belonging Contribution with some magic, some literacy, some imagination and some FUN! Bespoke Drama workshop birthday parties. 45minutes of fun and creativity. Read more

    We develop and deliver high quality football programmes, in partnership with Kapiti Coast United Sports Club. Our popular school holiday programme is fun and caters to both the football fanatics and those who just love to kick a ball around with friends! The programme is open to boys and girls aged between 6 and 13, of all abilities. Read more

    Kids at Home provides home-based childcare in the child's home or in the home of the Educator. Childcare is available throughout the greater Wellington area, Hutt Valley and Kapiti Coast. Joining Kids at Home may mean extended family members can gain financial recognition for the childcare they are providing. Our passion is to support children to become competent, confident learners. Read more

    The Katherine Mansfield House and Garden is a fully restored period house where the famous author Katherine Mansfield was born in 1888. Katherine Mansfield is New Zealand’s most internationally famous author. She was a writer of short stories, poetry, letters, journals and reviews and changed the way the short story was written in the English language. She was a rebel and a modernist who lived her short life of 34 years to the full. The house was returned to its original layout and design in the... Read more

    Sports Netball Clubs

    We are a sports club that participates in the local sporting competitions in Porirua. We cater for Tag Football teams for ages 8 - 17 and also social tag teams. We cater for netball teams from Novice to Premier teams. Read more

    Come and try a FREE introductory class at GKR Karate Upper Hutt and see why GKR Karate is New Zealand's largest martial arts club! GKR Karate promotes Karate for everyone, including children from 5 yrs old through to men, women and families of all ages. Apart from the obvious development of self-defence skills, Karate training builds confidence, positive attitude, determination, focus, and of course fitness. Our karate classes at Upper Hutt, Wellington, are taught by passionate instructors... Read more

    Wellington Samuraijutsu and Ninjutsu Training 7-9pm Tuesdays & Thursdays Welcome Welcome to Sukisha Ko Ryu. The following information is presented to acquaint you with the structure of our schools' training program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions that are not answered in this website. Sukisha Ko Ryu incorporates Samuraijutsu and Ninjutsu Martial Arts as taught by Takamatsu-Sensei. Beginning As the first few weeks of a student's training can often be a time of feeling... Read more

    Poneke Karate Dojo. Host the International Karate Style of Kyokushin. It has two floors and great equipment. Check the web site for timetable and info. Read more

    Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Into the Woods, Aristocats, Aladdin, Joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat, The north Star and this year Annie are some of the fantastic musicals Musical Stars has performed on stage. Musical Stars has been fostering confident and creative children through singing, dancing and acting education for more than 14 years. It helped develop dance and singing skills and an understanding and appreciation of theatrecraft to many children no matter their... Read more

    The Upper Hutt Roller Skating Club was formed in 1982. Club skaters range from Beginners through to World Champions. We also have skaters ranging in age from 5 to 70. The club is today one of the largest skating clubs in New Zealand and is always well represented at Area, National and International level. Public skating sessions are held each Saturday between 3.00pm and 5.00pm from Mid February to Mid December, and each week day during the term holidays between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. Read more

    Performing Arts Acting Associations

    Kids 4 Drama provides quality community based drama classes in Lower Hutt, Johnsonville and Newtown, as well as offering in school drama classes. We focus on teaching practical performance skills. We write our own lessons and ensure we build skills and confidence in a fun and safe environment. We also offer touring theatre in education productions, local performances, full scale productions and more! Get in touch with us today to find out more Read more

    Staglands Wildlife Reserve & Cafe offers visitors the unique and exciting opportunity to connect with nature in a beautiful, natural environment. Feed and freely interact with wildlife in this very special place - the product of one man's passion and vision to experience nature at its best. Located in the scenic Akatarawa Valley near Upper Hutt, Wellington, Staglands is a must-see attraction for local families and tourists visiting the Wellington region. Looking for things to do in Wellington, look... Read more

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