Pirates for Kids - Levin

the Manawatu - Wanganui Region

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    Education Museums

    Otaki Museum s housed in the restored 1918 BNZ building on Main Street. t carries out a number of activities: * tells Otaki's stories through a changing exhibition programme *researches the history of Otaki and the surrounding district *collects objects, stories, and images of interest * has an extensive photographic collection and many early copies of the town's newspaper, the Otaki Mail * holds archival material relating to the town, including records from Otaki School and the Otaki Borough... Read more

    Otaki PC has 30 riding members, aged between 5 and 19, who attend fortnightly rallies between August and April for tuition on riding and horse management, using the NZPCA syllabus. Contact us by email for more information :) Read more

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