- Albany (0632), Auckland Region
- 5-10 km from Forrest Hill (0620)
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Science Activities for Kids - Forrest Hill (0620)
Auckland, the Auckland Region
Best match results for science activities for kids in Forrest Hill (0620) + 5km.
Brain Play teaches science & technology classes to Kiwi kids & families! We run after-school classes, holiday programmes, online classes, and pop up events at libraries, schools, and community centres. Book for a free trial after-school, a one off event (sometimes free for the community), or our ongoing after-school classes. Topics include coding, robotics, 3D printing, animation, game design & all things STEAM! Read more
Other related businesses in and around Forrest Hill (0620) (within 20km)
Join the club that connects kids to nature- Forest & Bird’s Kiwi Conservation Club | Hakuturi Toa (KCC) KCC has over 5,000 members throughout New Zealand who receive our Wild Things magazine. The magazines make topics like wild rivers, marine reserves and worms fun for kids using a range of articles, cartoons, games & even plays! In most places around New Zealand, volunteer coordinators (KCOs) also arrange adventures for members to explore their local beaches, forests and everywhere in between. Some... Read more
- P. O. Box 24-187, Royal Oak (1061), Auckland Region
- 20-30 km from Forrest Hill (0620)