Extra Curricular Activities - Porirua
the Wellington Region
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If your child is neurodivergent, has special needs or a disability we may be able to help you. Our staff are trained and experienced Objectives FOUR DIAMONDS Charitable Trust is established as an after school and holiday care programme to provide an inclusive, enriching, fun experience and to give a sense of belonging in a mainstream facility to children who are neurodivergent, have special needs, need extra support with dedicated staff who are trained to cater for all their needs. Our Mission The... Read more
The Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award is a programme for 14 - 25 year olds that is open to all young people in NZ regardless of your background or ability. Read more
Wellington Botanic Garden offers free access to unsurpassed views, unique landscape, exotic forests, native bush, colourful floral displays and gorgeous specialist gardens. Start your visit at the Treehouse Visitor Centre. Grab a bag of duck food and check out the children’s corner for kid friendly activities you can do in the garden. Explore new areas or visit old favourites. The Children’s Play Area has a flying fox and grassy hills for rolling competitions. Come play under our trees and... Read more
We operate a Cadet Drum Corp at the TMC Upper Hutt. We have snare, tenor and bass drum lessons, with marching involved too. Ages 12 1/2 to 18 years Open to all genders. Meet 6.30pm to 8.30pm on Mondays ( school term only ). Read more