Long Day Care for Kids - the Southland Region
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We are a licensed Early Childhood Centre that believes whole heartedly in the value of parents, child lead play and mixed aged sessions. We are a fun group of people who love to get messy in play! Our children from birth to school age thrive in their learning as they problem solve, persevere and create in their own time and their own way. In line with current thinking on best learning for young children, we work very hard to ensure each child's own interests, passions, schemas and needs are met and... Read more
Barnardos Home Based Early Learning is an excellent choice for families wanting nurturing care and quality early learning for their child. The benefits of Barnardos Home Based Early Learning include: 1. Conveniently located, flexible care for your whnau 2. Nurturing environment in a dedicated educators home 3. Secure relationships among a small group of children 4. Strong focus on early learning guided by Te Whariki NZs Early Childhood Curriculum 5. Local community excursions and adventures Alongside... Read more
Wyndham Playcentre is the only Early Childhood Education Centre in Wyndham. We attract families from the Wyndham township and surrounding rural areas. We have a great group of children and adults, and are parent led with everyone taking part. We offer at least 16 areas of play including sand, messy play, puzzles, books, collage, painting, carpentry and many more. We, along with all Playcentres follow Te Whariki, the early childhood curriculum. We offer a friendly environment for children to... Read more