Community Activities for Kids - Torbay
Auckland, the Auckland Region
Best match results for community activities for kids in Torbay + 5km.
We run Performance classes. Think triple threat. You'll train in theatre, movement, dance, and voice. We train children, teens and all of our students get a fabulous, professional show experience at the end of each year. Got more questions? Visit our website and reach out to our friendly HQ admin team. We look forward to meeting you! Read more
Other related businesses in and around Torbay
Te Tuhi's name was gifted by local tangata whenua Ngāi Tai and is in reference to their ancestor Manawatere a great explorer who signalled his arrival in Aotearoa New Zealand by making his tuhi, or mark, on a pohutukawa tree using karamea, a red ochre. Te Tuhi, strives to live up to this legacy of exploration by being one of New Zealand’s foremost contemporary art spaces known for its core function of commissioning ambitious new artworks by a diverse selection of artists. The organisation is also... Read more
Through the vision of Whānau Ora, MUMA take an integrated approach to providing services and support for all urban Māori in South Auckland. We collaborate seamlessly with other service providers and each whānau so that together, we can achieve the very best outcomes for that whānau. Whānau and individuals are able to access a range of programmes and services. We work in conjunction with whānau to establish positive long term plans, and can help address immediate concerns and needs. Read more
Karate lessons with self-defence and safety in mind Self Defence, Physical Fitness, Improved Confidence, Improved concentration and focusing techniques Five (among many) reasons to join us: Maintain and work on your weight, strength and flexibility Gain Black belt Be street ready Our training methods consist of a mix of traditional karate and modern self-defence techniques. We believe Karate is a complete system of life that requires work on the body and mind equally. Join us now and... Read more
The Good Seeds Children Centre has 80 places 6mths – school. It prides itself on being a family friendly environment for children and their whānau, to develop a strong foundation for their futures. Learning philosophy: Including Christian principles and teaching in the programme Children learn through play, children learn best when they are engaged in experiences that they are interested in. Parents as child’s first teachers, we value the contribution they can make to their child’s learning. ... Read more
YAELS GUITAR LESSONS FOR KIDS We offer fun, one-on-one, in-home tailored guitar lessons for kids. They can learn at their own pace, with music of their own taste. We have enthusiastic tutors in the Auckland area who will teach your kids how to play, sing and even write their own songs. They can learn with a friend, a sibling or on their own, and have a hobby where they can express themselves all from the comforts of your own home. We have been teaching in-home guitar lessons for over 15 years... Read more
50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!
Validity: from 26 Mar 2025 to 26 Mar 2026
Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!
50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!
Validity: from 26 Mar 2025 to 26 Mar 2026
Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!
The Diabetes NZ Auckland Branch network of support groups spreads across the Auckland region. If you would like to attend a meeting, please call the coordinator on the link. Read more
Howick Children's and Youth Theatre run popular drama & speech classes for children and youth aged 5 - 21years in the suburb of Howick. Within our younger classes we focus on creative play, movement and storytelling. Classes are given games and exercises designed to develop concentration, sincerity and imagination. In our older classes we teach skills such as mime, movement, improvisation and storytelling, and students have the opportunity to also learn stage makeup, mask and clown. Children... Read more
Complete Physio Beachlands offers sports physio, post-op rehab physio, work related injury physio, acupuncture, sports massage and musculoskeletal physio to Beachlands, Maraetai and Whiftord adults and children. We are ACC registered so no need to visit your GP first. We are also Careway registered so you may be eligible for free physio and gym sessions (Careway is 100% funded through ACC). Contact us today to find out more. Read more
50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!
Validity: from 26 Mar 2025 to 26 Mar 2026
Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!
Kia ora tatou. There are many great reasons why people keep coming back to our centre. We are at the cutting edge of New Zealand Community Education. We are a place where things happen and like minded people can experience the rich diversity of lifelong learning. Quite simply, our Adult Learning Centre does not cost you money – the enrichment you receive will make you money! Read more
Adventure Plus! Scouting is all about challenging and developing youth. Western Bays Sea Scouts welcomes girls and boys aged 6 to 18, and is part of the world-wide Scouting movement. All ages go camping, tramping and learn lots of practical skills while also having fun. Scouts and Venturers (ages 10+) learn to sail, and attend local, regional and national regattas and adventure camps. Setting and achieving goals is encouraged for all youth members through the award scheme. Teamwork and leadership... Read more
The Auckland Table Tennis Association exists to facilitate participation in table tennis in the Central and Eastern Auckland geographic region, and to foster the growth of the sport in Auckland and, ultimately, nationally. The Association caters for all levels of play from the social to the competitive. Read more