- 34A Athens Rd, Onehunga (1061), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Eastern Beach (2012)
Drawing for Kids - Eastern Beach (2012)
No exact matches found within 5km.
Other related businesses in and around Eastern Beach (2012) (within 20km)
- 137 147 Beach Road, Castor Bay (0620), Auckland Region
- 30-40 km from Eastern Beach (2012)
Come and join us for a workshop especially designed for beginners. You don't need any previous art experience or natural art talent. You will learn lots of tips and tricks to drawing and painting that allows anyone to create artworks worthy of putting on the wall. Find out how others have gone from drawing stick figures to creating professional artworks in a very short time! There are 1 or 2 day workshops available with also the option of Art Holidays. Art Classes & Workshops are available... Read more